Notice of Public Hearing
The Amherst Housing Authority invites all tenants and the general public to a review of the Authority's Proposed Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 2022 The Annual Plan is intended to provide insight into the Authority’s operations and plans for the coming fiscal year as they affect the Authority’s state-aided public housing.
The Proposed Annual Plan is comprised of the following elements:
1. Proposed Capital Improvement Plan (5-year)
2. Proposed Maintenance and Repair Plan
3. Current Operating Budget
4. Responses to the Performance Management Review (PMR) findings
5. List of housing authority policies
6. List of waivers from governing regulations of the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
7. Other elements
Hearing date and time: December 21, 20202 @ 2:00 PM
Hearing location:
Join virtually:
Join by phone: 1 (877) 309-2073 Enter Access Code: 302-411-629
Preview the Proposed Annual Plan below: